Here they are, a select few Drunken Master Sound Clips. (Use Internet Explorer or a plug-in updated version of Netscape to listen to the clips) Get the Quicktime Plug-in here if Netscape wont allow you to hear the clips
Download the Drunken Master Audio Mix MP3
I was talkin' about the chick
Wouldn't hire him 2
I'll teach you
Crawl through my legs 2
Fancy you know some Kung Fu
You're real smart
She's tough
Get going
Today in the street
Who are you?
Have some more water
You heard of me?
He's the owner here
I am the real Sam Seed
My name is Sam Seed
Drunk Gods
Fun with jars
We must drink
Who teaches you?
Present for the Stick King
Wouldn't hire him
Hungry dog
Crawl through my legs
Drunken Master Audio Mix